Study Abroad
Students expand their comfort zones, encounter new perspectives, examine their own cultural viewpoints, and gain a deeper understanding of the world through study abroad. Programs range in duration from three weeks (during interim session) to a full semester to an academic year.
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Interim Courses
In addition to semester programs, Lafayette College offers faculty-led study abroad experiences over a few weeks during the January and May breaks between semesters. Classes take place in New Zealand, China, Italy, Russia, England, Egypt, Tanzania, South Africa, Peru, Madagascar, Japan, France, Bahamas, the Galapagos Islands, Australia, and Kenya.
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Woods Hole
The Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory’s Ecosystems Center, Woods Hole, Mass., provides opportunities for intensive hands-on academic inquiry under the guidance of distinguished scientists. Students also have opportunities to work on their own research projects.
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Washington Semester
In the Washington Semester program, based at American University, students take courses and serve an internship related to their field of study, earning 12-16 academic credits that are transferable to Lafayette.
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